Our Services
Art comes in many different forms, and it tells a different story to everyone. Here at A Framer’s Touch, we work together with our customers, we listen to your ideas, understand your vision, and help you create the perfect display for your home or office.
Our framing studio is up to date with state-of-the-art equipment and staffed by internationally acclaimed designers. We have the largest mat board & frame selection in the area, we practice preservation framing, all the materials we use are of the highest quality available, we believe that all art should last a lifetime.
Corporate & Artist Programs
Our framing clients include commercial businesses, universities & schools, city governments, hospitals, artists, and interior decorators and designers. Our best advertising is the quality of our work and by word of mouth. It is our pleasure to serve our customers both regionally and nationally. Our corporate and artist programs can be tailored to your needs and are based on volume orders.
To receive more information about our commercial programs, contact our business office.
designer choice
If you are interested in saving money on your next framing project, and you are willing to trust our award-winning designers, then Framer’s Choice is a great option for you.
Sometimes the hardest part of a framing project, is making all the artistic decisions regarding mat colors and moulding choices. Designer Choice allows you to skip those tough calls and jump straight to enjoying your artwork on your wall!
Bring in your artwork and have a quick discussion with our designer regarding budget, color preference and preferred frame style. Our skilled and experienced staff will take it from there. Using in-stock moulding and mat choices, our designers will create a bespoke framing project with your preferences in mind.
*Designers Choice is recommended for artwork no larger than 16x20.
performance picture framing
Start your engines: AFT offers a Performance Picture Framing service to car drivers, racers, hobbyists, and enthusiasts alike. Send us a high-quality photo of your vehicle or other pictures or objects and we will be off to the races! Your Performance Picture Framers will design the perfect frame to show off your ride. Once across the finish line, the completed frame will be mailed back to you. Or drive on over and go through the course with us in our framing studio.
Photo REstoration & Manipulation
Even in the best of situation photos can be damaged, our photo restoration service will repair water damage, fading, tears, scratches, rips and restore cracks.
Do you have a digital photo that you would like to have manipulated, or maybe a family photo that an ex-wife or ex-husband could be removed from? Our manipulation service can make it happen! Simply send us a digital copy and we will get to work.